
About Us

Here you'll find information about the staff of Immanuel Lutheran School.

James Grulke - Principal

Amanda Copping - Custodian

Amy Schultz - 7th/8th Teacher
Anne Gambrel - 1st Teacher
Anne Lewandowski - Preschool Aide
Carri Styma - Title 1

Chelsea Hentkowski - Secretary

Cindy Bell - Kindergarten Teacher

Dana Kolnowski - Breakfast/Playground Supervisor

David Cloft - 5th/6th Teacher
Deb Bagnasco - Preschool Aide
Holly Jore - School Success
Janet Shaedig - Lunch Staff
Kendra Barrie - Preschool Director
Lynn Borke - 2nd Teacher
Nancy Mitchell - Preschool Lead
Nikki Wurtsmith - Lunch Director

Patti Lafleur - Lunch Aide

Penny Schultz - 3rd/4th Teacher
Sue Lee - Preschool Aide