
Immanuel Lutheran School is proud to offer an excellent academic program to our students.
Our comprehensive curriculum—aligned with Christian teachings and values—is designed to nurture young minds and provide opportunities for individual achievement and growth.
In addition to our academic program itself, students at Immanuel Lutheran School benefit from small class sizes, making it easier to collaborate with peers and forge lasting friendships while also receiving ample attention from teachers.
Learn more about our offerings below.
Academic Subjects
Students are educated in Bible History, Doctrine, Application in Christian Living, Church History, Catechism, and Bible Memorization. The content expectations of these focus areas are provided by the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
English Language Arts
Focus areas include Literature, Reading, Grammar, Writing, Spelling, and Handwriting. Content expectations are aligned with Common Core State Standards.
Social Studies
Focus areas include Geography, History, Citizenship, and Current Events. Content expectations are based on MI GLCE supplemented with the NCSS Thematic Strands.
Focus areas include Number Theory, Computation, Problem Solving, and Geometry. Content expectations are based on Common Core State Standards.
Focus areas include General Science, Life Science, Earth Science, and Scientific Investigation. Content expectations are based on Michigan Science Standards.
Supplemental Curriculum
Focus areas include Music, Music Appreciation, Choir, Band, Drawing, Painting, and Art Appreciation.
Immanuel Lutheran School also has a band program (grades 5-8) and a choir program for all grade levels.
Physical Education
Focus areas include Physical Fitness, Walking Program, Group Games, Health and Fundamentals of Popular Sports.
Care and operation of computers, keyboarding, business applications, robotics, and programming.
Skills for Adolescence
(Grades 7-8 in alternate years) - Social coping skills for young adolescents
Scholastic Competitions
Spelling / Geography Bees
Opportunities exist for students to compete in a variety of scholastic competitions. Some competitions are held at grade-level and open to all students such as spelling bees and geography bees.
Junior high students who complete a battery of math tests are eligible to participate in the Mathcounts competition sponsored by the National Society for Engineering. Students receiving the highest point scores are invited to join the team.

Special Education
Special services such as health services, speech correction, and reading support services are available to our students when the programs are offered through the public schools.
The AMA Educational Service District offers evaluative and consultative services to identify special education students and those with possible emotional, social, or psychological needs and suggest programs for them. In some instances, arrangements are made to have Immanuel's special education students (K - 6) receive some instruction time from a special education teacher at Besser Elementary.